Children & Young People

If you come with children to one of our services, we have designed some activities which we hope will encourage them to engage in our worship together. For children aged 3-7, there is an activity bag available. For children aged 7-11 there is an activity folder as well as a 'ROOTS' sheet for them to complete. For 0-3 year olds, there is a special red activity bag for them and you may find our ‘Activity areas’ helpful during the service where there are books and other resources. All the Activity bags, Activity folders and ROOTS sheets can be found at the back of the church.   

Services particularly suitable for children and young people are:

All Age Worship
On the first Sunday of the month at Stalham, all age worship is a shortened informal service.  Our music group provide the music, and would welcome new members.  We sing lively songs and there is normally some kind of interactive talk (non-threatening!).    At St Michael's Church in Sutton the service on the first Sunday of the month also has an all-age feel.

Outside of church services, the activities we offer are:

Bizzy Bees
Bizzy Bees is a Baby and Toddler group, meeting on Monday mornings in term time between 8:45am and 11:00am in St Mary's Church room, Stalham. Join us for a fun session which includes coffee/tea/juice and a snack. The session will finish with a song time. Cost per session is £1 per family. Contact Jeanette for more information: 07920 487116.
You can also find us on Facebook for more information:  

Saturday Specials
We hold Saturday activity mornings every so often, based on different times of the Christian year, for children aged up to 12.  Children under 7 need to be accompanied by an adult.
The activity mornings are from 10am to midday, held in St Mary's Church in Stalham, and normally include lots of craft activities based around the theme.  The morning finishes with a short and lively service.  The whole family is welcome to stay and refreshments are available in the tower area.  
Please contact Elizabeth Jackson on 01692 581389 if you would like more information.

Give Me Five
Give Me Five (Faith, Fun, Friendship, Fellowship and Food) meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm in the Church Room.  A very well organised bring and share meal is followed by songs with the music group, readings and prayers.  All ages enjoy this evening together.
For more information contact Sheila Postle on 581989, or Jan Blossom on 598316.

St Michael's Tots
St. Michael’s Tots, for pre-school children, meets at about 10am on the second Thursday in the month at Sutton Church. The children are helped to think about particular themes by singing songs and hearing stories. It is attended by the children of Sutton pre-school, but other children are very welcome too.

Please be assured that, in line with Diocesan guidelines, all the people running children’s activities have been DBS checked.

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