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A service of Holy Communion from St Mary's Church Stalham, led by Martyn Egerton and Rev Sue Egerton. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Morning Prayer from St Mary's Stalham, led by Mary Shepherd and Martyn Egerton. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys.
A service of Holy Communion from St Mary's Church, Stalham, led by David Nichols and Rev Andrew Bevan. The hymns were recorded for use in online worship by St Martin's Voices, and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com).
A service of Morning Prayer from St Mary’s Stalham, led by Rev Richard Jackson. The hymns were recorded by St Martin’s Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Holy Communion from St Mary's Stalham, led by Rev Sue Egerton and Martyn Egerton. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Morning Prayer from St Mary's Stalham led by Jeanette Boardman and Mary Shepherd. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Holy Communion from St Mary's Church Stalham, led by Rev Andrew Bevan and Rev Richard Jackson. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Morning Prayer from St Mary's Church Stalham, led by Jeanette Boardman. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com).
A service of Holy Communion from St Peter's Church, Brunstead, led by Rev. Richard Jackson. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices and the organ music by John Keys (hymncds.com)
A service of Holy Communion from St Mary's Stalham led by Rev Sue Egerton and Martyn Egerton. The hymns were recorded by St Martin's Voices for use in online services.